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Copywriters can't stop raving about this new AI tool...

See how this tool is quickly becoming the industry's go-to assistant

Want to know what's giving top copywriters an edge these days? This issue of "The Perspective" lifts the curtain on a powerful AI copywriting assistant that's been flying under the radar - Claude. While everyone's been talking about ChatGPT, we've discovered something even better. Let's explore why Claude is quickly becoming the go-to tool for creating standout copy.

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Why Claude Outshines ChatGPT

When it comes to AI-driven copywriting tools, Claude has grown to be a far better choice over ChatGPT for copywriting purposes. In various tests, including crafting email subject lines, cold DMs, and SEO-optimized content, Claude consistently produces more refined, engaging, and effective copy. Its ability to provide multiple suggestions and maintain a natural tone makes it the preferred tool for content creators looking to save time without sacrificing quality.

Improving Copy With Claude

1. Trimming Down For Clarity

Long sentences can confuse readers and make your message hard to understand. The key is to cut out unnecessary words and focus on what really matters. This doesn't mean making your writing bland - it's about being smart with your words. Utilise A.I. tools such as Claude to help spot parts of your text that could be shorter or clearer. By doing this, you're making life easier for your readers. They'll get your point faster and be more likely to keep reading. Remember, clear writing is powerful writing.

Prompt: "Analyze and trim down this paragraph for better clarity and impact: [Insert your paragraph here]. Remove unnecessary words and phrases while keeping the core message intact. Maintain our brand's tone, and ensure the language remains accessible to our target audience of [specify audience].ā€

2. Fixing Errors

We all make mistakes, but in writing, they can really hurt your credibility. That's where AI can be a big help. These tools are great at spotting spelling mistakes, grammar slip-ups, and punctuation errors that you might miss. They can even suggest ways to fix these problems. By using AI to check your work, you're adding an extra layer of polish to your writing. This means your readers focus on your message, not your mistakes. It's like having a super-smart proofreader always ready to help.

Prompt: "Thoroughly proofread this copy for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors: [Insert your copy here]. Highlight any issues found and suggest corrections. Ensure all changes align with our brand tone and language, which is [describe your brand tone and language, e.g., 'conversational but authoritative'].ā€

3. Understanding Your Audience

Knowing who you're writing for is crucial. It's not just about age or location - it's about understanding their needs, wants, and pain points. Claude can dig deep into data to build a clear picture of your target audience. It can tell you what kind of content your audience likes, what problems they're trying to solve, and even what words they use. With this knowledge, you can create content that really speaks to your readers. It's like having a direct line to their thoughts and feelings.

Prompt: "Create a detailed ideal customer profile for [specific target audience, e.g., 'elderly working mothers in urban areas']. Include demographics, psychographics, pain points, preferred content types, and common language used. Also, specify how this audience typically engages with [your industry/product] and what unique challenges they face.ā€

4. Coming Up With Fresh Ideas

Nobody likes reading the same old stuff. To keep your readers interested, you need to keep your content fresh and exciting. This tool can become a great brainstorming partner in this moment. It can suggest new angles for your stories, catchy headlines, or interesting ways to start your pieces. This doesn't mean the AI does all the work - it's more like a springboard for your own creativity. Use these ideas as a starting point, then add your own unique spin.

Prompt: "Generate 10-15 unique headline options for an article on [your topic]. Include a mix of different styles e.g. how-to, list-based, and question headlines. Make them engaging and optimized for SEO. Ensure each headline reflects our brand's [describe voice, e.g., 'witty but informative'] voice and appeals to our target audience of [describe audience].

5. Creating Powerful Call-to-Actions

A good call-to-action (CTA) can make a big difference in how many people engage with your content. It's not just about saying "Click here" - it's about giving people a reason to take that next step. AI can help you craft CTAs that really work. It might suggest using words that create a sense of urgency, or highlighting the benefits of taking action. The goal is to make your CTA so tempting that readers can't help but click.

Prompt: ā€œCreate three variations of this CTA: '[Insert your original CTA]'. Focus on creating urgency, highlighting benefits, and using power words. Each variation should be no longer than 10 words and maintain our brand's [describe tone, e.g., 'confident but not pushy'] tone.ā€

6. Learn From Competitors

Your competitors can be a great source of inspiration. By looking at what they're doing, you can get ideas for your own content. AI tools can help by analyzing your competitors' writing style, the topics they cover, and how they structure their content. This isn't about copying - it's about learning from what works and making it your own. You might spot gaps in their content that you can fill, or see approaches you hadn't thought of before.

Prompt: "Analyze [competitor's name]'s latest email campaign. Break down their subject line, email structure, main message, CTAs, and any unique selling points. Compare their tone and language to ours, noting any significant differences. Suggest how we could improve on their approach while staying true to our brand voice, which is [describe your brand voice]. Also, identify any industry-specific terms or trends they're using that we should consider incorporating.ā€

7. A/B Testing

Sometimes, the best way to improve your writing is to test different versions and see what works best. This is called A/B testing. You might try two different headlines, or two versions of an email, and see which one gets better results. AI can help by suggesting variations to test, and even predicting which might perform better. Over time, this process of testing and improving can really boost how well your content performs.

Prompt: "Generate 3 variations of this headline for A/B testing: '[Insert your original headline]'. Each variation should maintain the core message but experiment with different tones (e.g., urgent, curious, informative) while still aligning with our overall brand voice, which is [describe brand voice]. Ensure all versions would appeal to our target audience of [describe audience]ā€

Wrapping Up

There you have it - your guide to stepping up your writing game with AI. These aren't just fancy tricks, but real tools to make your copy shine. From cutting extra words to crafting clickable CTAs, you're now equipped with pro-level strategies. Remember, AI is here to boost your creativity, not replace it. It's like having a smart assistant to help you write clearer and think up fresh ideas.

Reply "AI" if you want to see more upcoming AI tools that you can utilise today to boost your brand to new levels!

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