Oddit 2.0 Is Here! - Fresh Looks & New Products!

Weā€™ve made big changesā€”come see whatā€™s new at Oddit 2.0!


We've poured our hearts into Oddit 2.0, and itā€™s packed with fresh designs, new products, and everything you need to boost your brand. This isnā€™t just a tweakā€”itā€™s a game-changer. Welcome to the 45th edition of Perspective, where weā€™ll give you a first look at our revamped site and hint at the exciting updates ahead. Strap in, because this ride is just getting started!

(less than 2-minute read)

Oddit 2.0 Is Finally Here - Dive In!

Well, we did it. Our new site is finally live!

Like every company, we were in perpetual agreement that the current site was never good enough ā€“ but never had the time to fix it. Customer work always seems to push internal projects down the priority list. ā€œWeā€™ll do it right after this report launches."

But we finally climbed that mountain.

Why We Revamped Our Website? šŸ¤”

ā€¢ A Refreshed Brand: We never felt like ourselves; we wanted to better align with our personality and let loose a little.

ā€¢ New Products Launched: Our phone had kept ringing with requests for more than Oddit reports. We finally answered. New site builds, landing pages, and deeper strategic engagements are all services weā€™ve worked with many brands on over the past 12 months. The new site just lets you know about them now.

ā€¢ Practicing What We Preach: If youā€™ve listened to our gospel, we often speak of ensuring your social proof shines. Itā€™s a great validator and tells a story that isnā€™t there without it. So we packed the site with case studies, reviews, and other kind words to better communicate the impact our work can have and shine a different POV on what we do.

ā€¢ Exterminating Bugs: Like any old site, ours had slowly become littered with bugs. These damaged trust & hurt the experience. No more broken free trial pages.

ā€¢ More & Better Information: We launched our last site in our adolescence. We were still figuring out who we were and where we wanted to go. This resulted in a lack of information and inability to communicate our products in a clear manner.

Weā€™re Just Getting Startedā€¦ Much More To Come!

While we're stoked our new website is launched and living, we wouldn't be Oddit if we didn't share the mistakes, pivots, and compromises we made along the way for you to both laugh at and learn from. Keep your eyes peeled for all the dirty details in future issues of The Perspective!

Be Part Of Our Growth Journey And Share Your Valuable Insights With Us šŸ“ˆ

Weā€™re always looking to make ā€˜The Perspectiveā€™ even better, and who better to help us than you, our readers? Weā€™d love to hear what you think. Got any ideas on what we could do differently or topics youā€™re itching to read about? Let us know! Your thoughts mean a lot to us, and they really help us shape what comes next. So, go ahead and share your feedback - itā€™s super valuable in keeping ā€˜The Perspectiveā€™ fresh and relevant.ā€

Oddit Brags šŸ„³ 
A real recent customer, and their words of love for Oddit.

If you wanna shop Oddit products, you can explore right here. Or if you want to discuss how we can help your brand, chat with one of the co-founders, Shaun Or Taylor.

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